Ensure you’re following us on social media to keep up to date with all Grand event details!
The Famous Oaks Day at The Grand is the event to put in your calendar early!
Our Oaks Day Event is held across two of our exclusive function spaces of Riverview Room and Caledonia Room hosting 200+ fabulous ladies with indoor and outdoor spaces.
Tickets are all-inclusive of unlimited beverages, substantial canapé package, entertainment, door prizes, races screened live and more.
Find all photos from the latest ‘2024 Oaks Day at The Grand’ on our Facebook page!
Gather your girlfriends, put on your favourite dress and prepare yourself for a fun-filled day. Let’s go girls!
Christmas Eve at The Grand is a yearly tradition that gets bigger and better as the years go on!
Our Christmas Eve Event takes over the entire bottom floor of our venue and spreads across our award-winning outdoor space Grand Stand, Front Bar, Kerry Bar and The Social.
The huge night features local DJ’s that light up the dance floor in The Social.
This is a free event and we recommend lining up early to receive prompt access!
Find all photos from the latest ‘2023 Christmas Eve at The Grand’ on our Facebook page!
Click attending on our Christmas Eve Facebook Event to be the first to see the latest updates and discover how you can secure VIP entry to the huge event!
The Oktoberfest event was held in our exclusive function space of Riverview Room and included traditional German style food and beverages, stein holding competition, entertainment and more!
Find all photos from ‘Oktoberfest at The Grand 2023’ on our Facebook page now!
Join us for two hours of Bottomless Bevs and a food item of your choice*!
Exclusively available one Saturday a month from 2PM – 4PM in our award winning outdoor space, Grand Stand.
Find all boozy beverages, delicious food items, upcoming dates and how to purchase your ticket via the link below.
Bottomless Bevs is currently on a short break & unavailable to book.